Papal Conclave – More Than a Mystery

emblem of the Papacy: Triple tiara and keys Fr...
emblem of the Papacy: Triple tiara and keys Français : emblème pontifical Italiano: emblema del Papato Português: Emblema papal. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

A Pope retiring has not been a consideration for more than six hundred years, yet it has happened in 2013. The huge amount of television coverage has captured the attention of the world, and closer to home, given me pause to evaluate how I feel about this, and my relationship with Catholicism.

I had long ago disengaged myself from the Catholic Church for many reasons, none of which had to do with the number of scandals highlighted in recent years. I separated from the church for personal reasons, not the least of them being Sunday morning laziness. Over the years my reasons and excuses grew because of genuine dissatisfaction with how things were run. It was never about the teachings of Jesus Christ or the believing in God, but often about the interpretation as defined by mortals.

Spirituality has always been a part of my life and I am a basically good person. Less good than some, more good than others. I would not believe you if you told me otherwise. At this moment in time, I am totally engrossed in the election of the newest Pope and the current events in Vatican City. I find I am loving the rituals and traditions of choosing a new Pope.

I feel invested in the decision and pray that this college of Cardinals get it right. The rumors surrounding the event are many and I have heard the mutterings that it should be a Pope for the modern world. Someone who is a good manager. Even someone who knows how to tweet. To me, these requirements are nice, but not so important.

While I doubt I will ever be a practicing Catholic once again, I know what and who would feed my spiritual needs. He would have to be someone who is truly good, who isn’t afraid to break with tradition, who recognizes that Women are essential in the teachings and running of the church, who could and should be Priests, and who might someday become Pope.

The new Pope should embrace the leaders of all faiths, agnostics and atheists as well. What good is someone who only has the strength to preach to the choir? He should take his staff and drive out from the leadership of the church the pedophiles, and the money changers, as did one good man before him. The new Pope needs to be a true Spiritual leader who rails out against injustice, teaches love and forgiveness, and is not politically involved. He needs to be someone who garners respect, not for his title, but for who he is – A Good and Holy Man.

I sincerely pray that Divine Intervention will visit the current Conclave and bestow upon the gathering there the wisdom and courage to install the right man. The World can surely use an explosion of Light and Hope.

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